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[旅遊心得] If you have free choice, where do you want to live?

In case you have free choice, you don't need to think about family, jobs, or money... where do you want to live?Hong Kong? Toronto? New York? Vancouver? Japen? Taiwan? China? or anywhere else
我是台灣人,若讓我選,香港、馬來西亞,日本都好~ 但就不想繼續待台灣和中國
i love taiwan
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I guess i will live in mel or queensland
Sydney - been here for 20 years, happy to stay for the rest of my life. Working in London or NY will be fun for a few years but will still call Australia home especially when our economy's still kicking ass
either or Canada or Japan, because ppl are  alittle more friendly and the crime rate is slightly lower I believe.  Definitely not US, or China.
If i can live anywhere, I would choose western Europe. My only concern is if I would have enough to retire.
Canada- Europe-Far East- Middle East.
Not sure I have enough money to do it.
hong kong, i just love the place. i live in europe, some find me lucky but I just hate it here :D cold weather and no good food!!
15 years ago Hong Kong, now NewYork