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I love her..Thank you so much for sharing..
oh, in fact I do not have her complete album in my library, many thanks for kind sharing
thank you for sharing
nice job...I miss her
& U. }( X% X8 T5 C3 c/ C
2 {5 i+ v4 W* N- G! T. Ktvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
# \- Q' h, M% U1 H1 U1 y2 uwww3.tvboxnow.com
) c5 x6 r7 X$ X/ v. a, wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
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* K4 {* s  J" V" P! Utvb now,tvbnow,bttvb[ 本帖最後由 mun2 於 2009-4-13 07:23 PM 編輯 ]
really miss her so much.
9 Z+ M: ~5 C7 O* B6 u* F5 @( k9 ^公仔箱論壇thx lz to provide full Faye's album....
0 M5 P& R3 S( T2 c- `5 Gi will keep in my collections.
wow thanks for sharing
thx a lot
Thank you so much, I have to say she is one of the  very best for last 10 years or so.) N/ ^$ b. t  M. Q9 `+ k0 I# C
www3.tvboxnow.com* o! c: U+ w# O; Q
[ 本帖最後由 dranimals 於 2009-5-4 06:12 PM 編輯 ]
thx for share!! ^^

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thank a lot
thank you very much
thanks for sharing! This is wonderful!