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標題: [環保資訊] 我很醜但我需要關注! [打印本頁]

作者: vandas    時間: 2013-8-28 01:23 PM     標題: 我很醜但我需要關注!

我很醜但我需要關注! 英動保協會舉辦選醜大賽引注目


英國醜陋動物保護協會(Ugly Animal Preservation Society)的創辦人暨生物學家華特(Simon Watt)表示,除了可愛的動物,世界上還有許多需要被保護的瀕臨絕種動物,不該只有可愛的小傢伙們獨享鎂光燈焦點。為了提昇醜陋動物的能見度,醜陋動物保護協會將於當地時間27日下午5點,舉辦投票選出最受歡迎的醜陋動物,並將在9月12日科學節上發表優勝名單。

根據活動網站的介紹,目前共有水滴魚(blobfish)、長鼻猴(Proboscis monkey)、的的喀喀湖水蛙(titicaca water frog)、豬鼻龜(Pig-nosed turtle)等12位「參賽動物」,每一隻參賽動物都有自己的專屬宣傳影片,該活動將在當地時間9月11日下午5時結束。

The blobfish, the pig-nosed turtle or the proboscis monkey: Which of these is the world's ugliest animal?

All animals are beautiful. Except, perhaps, for some of these.
But just because they aren't as easy on the eye as a newborn puppy or a fluffy pony, it doesn't mean they don't need looking after.

So the Ugly Animal Preservation Society (yep, it exists) has launched a campaign to save these endangered species and encourage young people into careers in conservation: they are searching for a new ugly mascot.

No beauty: The blobfish, which inhabits the deep waters off the coasts of the Australia and Tasmania, is one of a list of unusual creatures the Ugly Animal

Axolotl: The best-known of the Mexican neotenic mole salamanders belonging to the Tiger Salamander complex. Larvae of this species fail to undergo metamorphosis, so the adults remain aquatic and gilled

Flightless dung beetle: In Addo Elephant Park in South Africa; European eels: Young eels are pictued in a basket at the Rhine river in Woerth Am Rhein, Germany

And celebrities including Stephen Fry and Simon Pegg have already given their support to the slimy, sticky, spiky, smelly cause.
Workingin partnership with the National Science + Engineering Competition, theSociety are running a public vote for your favourite unsightly animal.

The project hopes to encourage young people to get involved in conservation projects, and to raise the profile of some of the world's least cutesy animals, 'challenging our love-affair with the poster-boys of conservation like the panda and the red squirrel'.

After voters have picked their favourite creature, SimonWatt, biologist and President for Life of the Society, will announce the winner at the British Science Festival in Newcastle on 12 September.

He said: 'For too long the cute and fluffy animals have takenthe limelight, and now hundreds of species are tragically extinct because they were painfully ugly.
'You can help these mingers by choosingone animal to stand-up for all the other uglies in the animal kingdom.'

Axolotls and pubic lice: Which is the ugliest creature of all?

Proboscis Monkey: The monkey is named after its enormous nose

Proboscis Monkey
The proboscis monkey is named after its impressive nose, used as a resonating chamber to increase the volume of mating calls. The bigger the nose, the more impressive the mate... The monkey is also well known for its fairly rotund appearance, a by-product of its diet of unripe fruit, making it a pretty gassy primate!

Ellie Taylor (presenter of Snog, Marry, Avoid) is backing this big-nosed critter... she explains why: 'These guys need our help! They can't compete with the orang-utans, who are really cute, these guys are really hideous... I mean come on, that thing needs our help!'

The blobfish lives at depths between 600 and 1,200 metres where the pressure is several dozen times higher than at sea level. Its gelatinous appearance aids it buoyancy, as it spends its life gently bobbing around the deep sea. Although they are inedible, the blobfish suffers a significant threat from fishing trawlers, hunting the crabs and lobsters living at the same depth.

Paul Foot (Never mind the Buzzcocks) - is supporting the blobfish. In his campaign video, he explains why he has a soft spot for this gelatinous blob...'Some would describe it as a bit ugly, but I think the sad face of the blobfish belies a kind and very wise little brain in there.

The axolotl is a type of salamander, which remain aquatic for their entire life, and has the amazing ability to regenerate lost limbs. This freaky cross between Peter Pan and the Xmen, is endangered because of urbanisation in Mexico City and polluted waters.

Helen Arney (science presenter and comedian) is supporting this little critter; 'Beauty is only skin deep, and the axolotl had a dark secret... it never truly grows up, it's like Peter Pan, Justin Bieber, or any character Zooey Deschanel every plays in a film...

Axolotl: This freaky cross between Peter Pan and the Xmen, is endangered because of urbanisation in Mexico City and polluted waters

Pubic lice
Pubic lice have been around for over 3 million years but face extinction because of increasing hygiene habits across the world. They live in coarse hair and eyelashes.
Dan Schreiber (producer, presenter and from QI Elf) explains why he has sympathy for these particularly unattractive beasts... 'So many women worldwide are having Brazilians that they don't have a natural habitat to exist on anymore... they're being deforested!'

Pubic louse: Pubic lice have been around for over 3 million years but face extinction because of increasing hygiene habits across the world. They live in coarse hair and eyelashes

The kakapo is a critically endangered giant parrot, and is a classic example of evolution on an isolated island. It is the only flightless parrot in the world, and also the heaviest. Although it probably evolved from parrots that could fly - its muscular thighs mean it is better suited to walking and climbing, than taking to the air.

Steve Mould (BBC Blue Peter scientist) explains why the Kakapo deserves support, 'The kakapo encapsulates the fragility of life that evolved in a bubble - in this case, the bubble is New Zealand... but that bubble burst and New Zealand is full of predatory mammals, but the kakapo hasn't evolved a fear response. Often its response is curiousty - 'who's this?' the kakapo would say - 'oh, I'm in its mouth...'

Kakapo: A critically endangered giant parrot, a classic example of evolution on an isolated island - it is the only flightless parrot in the world, and also the heaviest

European common eel
A favourite cockney snack, the European eel is threatened by overfishing and environmental changes. Its unusual life cycle sees it change colour as it grows, from transparent to yellow to dark grey.

Rob Wells (comedian and science presenter) - urges supporters to 'support the eel so we can have a jolly good East End knees up in its honour!'

European common eel: A favourite cockney snack, the European eel is threatened by overfishing and environmental changes. Its unusual life cycle sees it change colour as it grows, from transparent to yellow to dark grey

Dromedary jumping slug
The dromedary jumping slug wriggles its way out of danger, avoiding predators with a quick flick. It's part of the Aronidae family and lives mainly in the Americas.

Tom Toal (comedian and actor) thinks the slug deserves far more recognition than it currently gets... 'It's a slug, with a hump on its back, that can jump! Where's its Disney movie?? You've got the Hunchback of Notre Dame... where's the dromedary jumping slug and the princess?'

Dromedary jumping slug: The dromedary jumping slug wriggles its way out of danger, avoiding predators with a quick flick. It's part of the Aronidae family and lives mainly in the Americas

Greater short-horned lizard
Stephen Fry is supporting this feisty little lizard, found in North America. The greater short-horned lizard is identified by its toad-like appearance. When scared, it builds its blood pressure near its eyes, and forces blood through its tear ducts, squirting it at predators. Combined with a noxious smell, the blood is a surprisingly effective method of repelling predators such as foxes, coyotes and dogs.

Great short horned lizard: Stephen Fry is supporting this feisty little lizard, found in North America. The greater short-horned lizard is identified by its toad-like appearance

Titicaca water frog

Titicaca water frog: The animal has extra skin for breathing in low oxygen water

The Titicaca water frog is the largest truly aquatic frog, found only in Lake Titicaca in South America. The multiple folds in its skin enable it to breathe underwater without needing to surface for air. Its Latin name literally translates as the ‘aquatic scrotum'.

Iszi Lawrence (comedian), is very excited by this.. she says: 'Vote scrotum frog, you heard me right, scrotum frog. Even better than being called scrotum frog, it lives in Lake Titicaca!'

Flightless dung beetle
Theflightless dung beetle lives on elephant and buffalo faeces, so its decline is proportionate to these larger animals. When poo is scarce, itcan't survive! It can now only be found in the wild in South Africa.

SarahBennetto (comedian and radio presenter) explains why she thinks they deserve your vote: 'There are three different types of dung beetle - rollers, tunnellers and dwellers. And dwellers are by far my favourite! Oh my goodness! They live in poo! They use this dung ball as a brooding chamber to attract potential mates. I mean it's harrowing. Don't even think about dating a dung beetle. Unless you're a dung beetle. In which case, go for it.'

Pig-nosed turtle
Thepig-nosed turtle is the sole surviving member of an ancient and once widespread family of animals. The most unique feature is the elongated, pig-like snout, which acts like a snorkel, allowing the turtle to breathe while the rest of the body remains underwater (perhaps so it never has to show the world its ugly face?).

Greg Foot (daredevil scientist and C4 Sunday Brunch's 'resident scientist') says: 'Forget your big cuddly attention grabbing pandas. It's time for something else to step up into the limelight, well, I guess something to swim up in this case! Yes, it is the pig-nosed turtle... so there you go - the pig-nosed turtle. Vote now! It's quite clear it's got to be the pig-nosed turtle. No longer does he need to be bullied in the animal playground, he can now stand there with his piggy snouty nose raised up high.'

Pig-nosed turtle: The most unique feature of the animal is the elongated, pig-like snout, which acts like a snorkel, allowing the turtle to breathe while the rest of the body remains underwater

British bats
There are 18 varieties of bat in the UK, and most are in national decline. Seventeen of these are currently known to be breeding, the eighteenth is actually just one lone male who appears to have come over from the continent and lives in a cave in South England on his own.  Bats make up over a quarter of the mammal species that live in the UK and can often be found near railway lines, as they like to use the tunnels as roosting areas, and short cuts to other hunting grounds.

Simon Watt sympathises with these species: 'Bats are brilliant, if you cannot see all the reasons British bats are fantastic, you must be as blind as a, well, as a bat actually!'

Simon Watt sympathises with these species: 'Bats are brilliant, if you cannot see all the reasons British bats are fantastic, you must be as blind as a, well, as a bat actually!'
作者: kuoyein1    時間: 2013-8-28 04:12 PM

我選Pubic lice這種蝨子第一名
Titicaca water frog第二名
作者: fidodidow2k    時間: 2013-8-28 07:46 PM

作者: eaglelu    時間: 2013-8-28 11:03 PM

鴞鸚鵡,學名:Strigops habroptila,是一種夜行性鸚鵡,全身披上黃綠色的細點,是紐西蘭的特有種。


作者: klamb    時間: 2013-8-29 01:34 AM

本帖最後由 klamb 於 2013-8-29 03:50 AM 編輯


墨西哥鈍口螈(學名:Ambystoma mexicanum,英文名稱:Axolotl),又名美西螈,俗稱六角恐龍,是水棲的兩棲類,是墨西哥的特有種,因其獨特的外貌及幼態延續而著名。也就是說,即使在性成熟後也不會經歷適應陸地的變態,仍保持它的水棲幼體型態。雖然在全球有作為寵物而被飼養(特別是北美等地),但其原棲地已被大量開發,可生活面積不多於10平方公里。目前在IUCN紅色名錄內被評為極危物種(Wiki).

短角的的蜥蜴(Phrynosoma hernandesi)是一種在北美小型蜥蜴.它是一種爬行動物,兩棲動物。是蜥蜴在加拿大七個本地物種之一.


Pubic lice

Pubic lice 蝨子
陰蝨(Pthirus pubis)是一種寄生於人體毛髮的寄生蟲,長約1至3毫米,無翼。因常見於陰部,故稱陰蝨。另外,由於陰蝨身體扁平,遠看如同皮屑,細看則如同小螃蟹,故在英語中又稱蟹蝨 (Crab louse)。雖然最常見於陰部,但陰蝨在絕大部份人類毛髮上均可生存。它的身體較頭蝨寬闊,腳部較寬廣,使它可於疏落的毛髮間攀爬。除了陰毛外,陰虱也可在頭髮、睫毛、鬍鬚和腋毛處寄生。

Body louse 體蝨

Pubic lice 蝨子以宿主血液、毛发、皮屑等为食。寄生于人体的虱主要以宿主血液为食,成年虫每日吸血数次。

Head louse 頭蝨

作者: yuetling22    時間: 2013-8-30 10:55 PM

作者: 麵包和牛奶    時間: 2013-8-31 09:47 AM

作者: timoslin    時間: 2013-8-31 04:55 PM

墨西哥鈍口螈不會很醜阿  白裡透紅看起來很可愛阿
作者: lly6620    時間: 2013-8-31 05:22 PM

作者: klamb    時間: 2013-10-3 04:49 AM

在英格蘭東北部紐卡斯爾,一年一度的節日,英國科學協會Coralie Young 公佈的結果,"Blobfish"被評為“世界上最醜陋的動物,(根據標本解壓的照片).醜陋動物保存協會並通過"Blobfish"作為吉祥物.
In September 2013
The blobfish was voted the "World's Ugliest Animal," based on photographs of decompressed specimens, and adopted as the mascot of the "Ugly Animal Preservation Society".
Snatching 795 votes from 3,000 online, said Coralie Young of the British Science Association, which announced the results at an annual festival in Newcastle, northeastern England.


Due to its low density flesh, the blobfish's shape is very different when it is out of water. Its so called ugliness has created a lot of discussion in media outlets.


作者: digiboy8866    時間: 2013-10-5 11:22 PM

Pubic lice 以宿在头发,可怕。
作者: antimatter    時間: 2013-10-6 02:19 AM

作者: TDIJ    時間: 2013-10-15 10:48 AM

thank a lot.
作者: ch86    時間: 2013-10-20 10:20 AM

pubic lice hahahahaha

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