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[自拍] 今次貼張正常d 0既,希望唔好又比人小~



  • ed_teck

wow....you are mad skinny
but are u a model


Oh my god ! please do something to your hair ! you make people feel like to hit u u know!
why u guys have to be so mean ne? but he is pretti skinny tho
ma ma
/ c0 P( m. i- e$ V5 c  M我係男仔-.-tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb+ E# _/ f  k7 J4 Q# @

. |$ I- E( q% N3 ttvb now,tvbnow,bttvb天音:  (基...?)" K" `( B9 O' |
JWXIE:  NOTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。) F$ p" _3 r0 d
5 `$ v/ H- p( E5 @" [, h# FJWXIE:  算......: e, L  _8 C0 B7 B* R5 L: F
公仔箱論壇2 p% E1 f2 `/ N* R0 W- l2 z
原帖由 lil_yuky 於 2007-2-26 11:38 AM 發表。 
  s* P/ R" B2 t3 L9 C1 f' wtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbbut are u a model
: O4 h8 X( e, H# R/ w3 c" l, u5 d' @

  _0 P: D" _* p! s8 qwww3.tvboxnow.comI am part time for hair and make up model.
原帖由 奇少 於 2007-2-27 10:11 PM 發表。 公仔箱論壇! X' O0 p7 P- t+ ?* @. R

/ O" q# w* F# |5 d8 C, {( s公仔箱論壇' b+ h9 V& j/ \( ~# E- k. f0 F! I
I am part time for hair and make up model.
' C* g6 O  C  j* Q1 A% S公仔箱論壇7 E4 g- W0 q& \8 n& w3 w
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ O- E3 b% a7 z/ H+ `+ s7 F
cool . i wanna be a model since i was a lilttle kid. or a actress or.. singer. lol~~ but i cant control myself.. i kept eating and eating~~
soso la...TVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。4 P) e& j! u" ^3 E8 s5 h
but support u
not bad , how tall r u ?
原帖由 kelvinlaw11 於 2007-2-28 04:43 PM 發表。 
/ I, k/ d) W4 R6 o9 X/ P4 \4 Swww3.tvboxnow.comnot bad , how tall r u ?
' X, @  `( \  ywww3.tvboxnow.com
/ @9 |: U' o+ [1 T% xwww3.tvboxnow.comI am 180cm tall.... not really tall, wanna around 5 to 10 cm tall
almost same as me i'm 183-185cm
原帖由 lil_yuky 於 2007-2-28 04:57 AM 發表。 tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* {- \. t1 a& y" v, ]* a
公仔箱論壇6 z7 _0 |: ^5 w- C6 X2 W

4 F; J. ^  k* z( ]0 ~/ s% m2 _3 Q& ?: C% Y$ H% T  V* O
cool . i wanna be a model since i was a lilttle kid. or a actress or.. singer. lol~~ but i cant control myself.. i kept eating and eating~~
3 v! j2 m" J9 {3 ?www3.tvboxnow.com
3 J; i  f2 }1 a; S公仔箱論壇not really cool as sometimes need to take whole day for the shooting. Cant control urself to keep eating.... um..... if u really wanna be a model.... u might able to control urself.;))