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標題: [瞬間看地球] 亞馬遜發現441新物種 [打印本頁]

作者: vandas    時間: 2013-10-31 02:37 PM     標題: 亞馬遜發現441新物種

亞馬遜發現441新物種 「卡克塔伶猴」呼嚕叫聲像小貓


世界野生物基金會倫敦辦事處的報告指出,2010到2013年間,科學家總共發現441個新品種,若加上昆蟲和無脊椎動物的話數量會更多。該基金會巴西和亞馬遜項目總監弗萊明(Damian Fleming)表示,亞馬遜生態系是世界最大的熱帶雨林與河流系統,過去4年,這裡每周可以發現兩種新生物,堪稱地球最重要的生物寶庫之一。

在哥倫比亞境內,科學家發現一種卡克塔伶猴(Callicebus caquetensis),其中一名探測家說,這種猴子的寶寶會發出「呼嚕」的貓叫聲,「當牠們感到快樂滿足時,便會向彼此呼喊。」不過,據傳野生的卡克塔伶猴恐已瀕臨滅絕,保育的行動刻不容緩。

除了叫聲像貓的猴子,科學家也在圭亞那境內發現新種蜥蜴,其身上的花紋宛如戰士圖騰,色彩更鮮豔如火焰狀。此外,有人在巴西境內發現一種吃素的食人魚(Tometes camunani),不同於以往分屍其他動物的兇狠,這種「食人魚」以水生草本植物為主食,但巴西帕拉州的水壩及採礦工程,正對牠們的生存造成威脅。


Callicebus caquetensis – Colombia

This new species, Callicebus caquetensis, is one of about 20 species of titi monkey, which all live in the Amazon basin. The babies have an endearing trait, “When they feel very content they purr towards each other,” explained scientist Thomas Defler.

Allobates amissibilis - Guyana

This amphibian is already believed to be highly endangered. In fact, its Latin name, Allobates amissibilis, meaning “that may be lost,” alludes to this as the area where it thrives could soon be opened to tourism.

Tometes camunani – Brazil

This new species of piranha, Tometes camunani, can span 20 inches wide and weigh up to 9 pounds, and is strictly herbivorous. The freshwater fish inhabits rocky rapids associated with seedlings of plants that grow among the rocks, its main source of food.

Passiflora longifilamentosa –Brazil

A new species of passion flower was discovered in the rain forests of the Brazilian state of Para in 2013. Together with vivid purple petals, the new species displays fantastic and quirky 'noodles' or 'spaghetti' (corona filaments) that burst out of the flower's centre.

Chironius challenger – Guyana and Venezuela

Found in the mountains of Guyana, at elevation of 4,922 ft., this brightly-colored snake species was named Chironius challenger after Arthur C. Doyle's fictional character Professor George Edward Challenger in the novel, The Lost World.

Cercosaura hypnoides – Colombia

This beautiful lizard was found from the hatchlings of eggs collected by scientists in the Colombian Amazon. An elusive species, Cercosaura hypnoides, has not been seen in the wild since the original eggs were collected, raising the prospect that it could potentially be endangered.

Apistogramma cinilabra - Peru

Sobralia imavieirae – Brazil

Among the new plant species are a large number of new orchid species, including this splendid pink species, Sobralia imavieirae, officially described by scientists from Roraima in the Brazilian Amazon.

Dicrossus warzeli – Brazil

The species is named after Frank Martin Warzel, a skilled German aquarist who first imported the species from the Rio Tapajos to Germany, as well as observed its behaviour, including reproduction in the field in Brazil and Colombia.

Gonatodes timidus - Guyana

This extraordinary-looking species of lizard was discovered in 2011 in the part of the Amazon that extends into Guyana. The surface of the Lizard’s head is black with bluish white to vivid yellow irregular stripes and blotches. Despite this ‘warpaint’ the name given to the species derives from the Latin word timidus meaning “shy” or “fearful”.

作者: xxthomas    時間: 2013-10-31 04:30 PM

作者: momochacha2007    時間: 2013-11-1 08:38 AM

你不是在開玩笑吧? 到現在為止,仍然有如此多的新生物種發現.....在地球上已經創建了多少生物?
作者: 145451    時間: 2013-11-1 11:23 AM

多谢  好看   多谢分享
作者: 麵包和牛奶    時間: 2013-11-1 04:09 PM

作者: 676k    時間: 2013-11-1 11:10 PM

亞馬遜生態系的確是充滿神秘的生物學大寶庫啊! 每週可以發現兩種新的生物實在是太令人驚訝了!

由於科技的發達, 讓人類可以藉由日益先進的設備與儀器, 去探索以往難以窺其奧秘的神秘亞馬遜地區, 讓我們了解與認識到更多以往我們所不知道的新品種生物, 更加讚嘆生命的神奇與可貴.(說到這裡, 小弟真的好想親眼看到Callicebus caquetensis以及聽到他們可愛的寶寶的可愛叫聲喔......)

但也往往很諷刺的發現, 許多新品種生物剛成為我們新認識的朋友, 就已經因為人類生活發展過程中對生態的傷害, 而讓他們正走向瀕臨絕種的命運.

如何讓人類在追求生活更進步與舒適的情況下, 也能讓許多我們早已認識的舊朋友, 或是如文中所述的新朋友也能和我們一起, 共同在這美麗的地球上和諧互助的快樂生活著, 這才應該是萬物之靈的人類智慧的最高展現與價值.

作者: klamb    時間: 2013-11-2 06:37 AM

找到一個時有聲"Callicebus caquetensis"video,但活動的影像不是那麼好.

Caquetá titi - Callicebus caquetensis - Rio Caquetá - Caqueta[youtube]eBLk9K2lm2Y[/youtube]
作者: vanhue228    時間: 2013-11-2 03:48 PM

1# vandas
作者: vanhue228    時間: 2013-11-2 03:48 PM

作者: 剎破浪    時間: 2013-11-2 10:49 PM

作者: z704157000    時間: 2013-11-3 08:23 PM

作者: fengyun7022    時間: 2013-11-4 09:01 AM

thanks for sharing
作者: hkgorchid    時間: 2013-11-4 09:55 AM

Glad to know that Amazon rain forest has discovered such many varieties. However, who knows how many varieties have already been extincted!
作者: antimatter    時間: 2013-11-5 02:22 AM

作者: bobbyks    時間: 2014-4-27 07:14 PM

作者: iamck2012    時間: 2014-5-1 07:23 PM

本帖最後由 iamck2012 於 2014-5-1 07:25 PM 編輯

蜥蜴好特別  wiki中有"美中"的蜥蜴  彩色的地方剛好相反  很有趣 有興趣的可以參考以下連結
作者: kenzooo    時間: 2014-5-25 10:45 PM

1# vandas 非常感谢您无私的分享,网络因您而美丽。
作者: hellojojojo    時間: 2014-5-27 07:20 PM

thanks for sharing
作者: shawn2222    時間: 2015-1-19 06:29 PM


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