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4K 改朝換代

一路有留意 55" TV,因為這是我下個升級的目標,奈何屋企部 32" 曾志偉牌一路都死唔去,都唔知點解人地部曾志偉牌就死到一地都係,我呢部就用左 6 年幾都仲團未出現 vital damage, 之前個 remote 有點 sticky 仲鬼咁開心,點知十日八日後又回復正常了,唉!

一路睇 55" 時,其實選擇唔多,Samsung 一路無乜興趣,因為 Sony HX850 明顯靚過 E8000,唔好話上到 HX950  了,但我最後 target 係 P 記 55VT50 Plasma,可惜呢部無得返大陸買,香港現在最低都係大約 $25K 左右!

問題來了,前個排 Bravia x9000 正式發佈,55" 內地定價 三萬人仔

睇返 Sony 官價同街街比較,即係部 55" 4K 可能會接近 3 萬 HKD,咁同 55VT50 又唔係相差好遠!理論上比多 20% 就可以迎接改朝換代其實諗得過,但大部份報告都剩係講部機行 4K 時幾靚,但就無講行 1080P 時是等同 HX750, 850 定 950,要知起碼頭兩年都無乜 4K source, 都係靠現在的 1080P 軟件頂住先!

Panasonic will stop producing plasma TV soon, not recommended
LCD technology is more mature
Panasonic will stop producing plasma TV soon, not recommended
LCD technology is more mature
william109 發表於 2013-4-27 10:44 PM
em... might be some misunderstanding here.

Panasonic will STOP develop plasma TV product, meaning VT60 might be their final round of Plasma TV, but they didn't STOP making plasma TV.

If you compare from technology point of view, Plasma is more mature then LCD but I didn't go for Panasonic because of technology reason, I prefer the movie performance of Plasma over LCD when they are on the same resolution, but of course, 1080P Plasma is not going to beat 4K LCD IF WE HAVE true 4K movie source to play with.
ob51330 發表於 2013-4-29 05:08 PM
你估兩年後會有 4K movie 睇未呢? 通常我一部機用 5 年,如果等兩年我會考慮囉,老老實實,等多過兩年就有 D 唔底了!
Not many 4k source now, it seems better to wait for 4K product to mature and price to go down.
其實美國幾間大 studio 有無講過 4K plan? 現在得 Sony 出招,如果其他幾間 studio 表埋態就放心落踏既!

如果唔係就維持原判,等 VT60 出貨時去買 VT50 了!
咦,聽講首批 4K bluray 已經到了香港喎, $13x-$24x,希望在人間喎!
其實美國幾間大 studio 有無講過 4K plan? 現在得 Sony 出招,如果其他幾間 studio 表埋態就放心落踏既!

如果唔係就維持原判,等 VT60 出貨時去買 VT50 了! ...
Andykong 發表於 2013-5-2 08:31 PM
其實好多野仲考慮緊,始終大 Studio 唔想下下比 Sony 拉住走
4K 有排都未平民化

講畫汁 - 一定係Plasma
4K 有排都未平民化

講畫汁 - 一定係Plasma
wongultraman 發表於 2013-5-4 10:11 AM