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電視 Wallmount 一問

大家好, 裝修時決定將個電視由座係地櫃變成 wall mount, 我個model係 Shinco 3216AM 32吋LCDTV, 睇過背部有四個窿似乎係俾d wall mount 用, 請問係咪鴨寮街一帶較多呢類產品? 而另外有冇d mount 架可以令部電視左右移動? 同埋個電視都用左四年, 如果日後換電視請問d 位係咪都係一樣呢?
u need to ensure your TV is VESA standard... then can buy the mount
"如果日後換電視請問d 位係咪都係一樣呢?"

Basically standard, but suggest you to wait for the new TV before you setup the wall mount. If you want to change to a bigger one next time, the wall mounting position may not be the same.