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本帖最後由 huit 於 2011-11-24 10:48 PM 編輯

The Camry range is already boring enough - now they've made it even more boring, and give drivers the excuse to drive EVEN slower with an economy gauge on the Hybrid version, under the pretence they are "saving the planet".

The vehicle of choice for bad Asian drivers who know nothing about cars, they used to drive Volvos, now they all drive Camrys. They should make the 平安附 dangling from the rear view mirror standard equipment.

適合悶人揸嘅悶車一部, 純代步工具, 地位不高於雪櫃洗衣機等家電. 到達目的地後不會有任何衝動想繼續開,泊車後不會回眸多望兩眼。典型駕駛者會坐得好近方向盤, 戰戰競競咁以低於限速至少十公里嘅速度揸, 仲要霸住條快線(因為比較少車), 完全無暇留意或應付周圍所有道路使用者


  • carwing
