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Thank a lot for sharing Can you please continue upload this series thank would be good if u can continue upload the rest of the unfinish Korea drama too
Thank a lot
thank you
陳妍希 的小龙女早期有点像小笼包,后期16年后才成熟。
陳曉 的杨过早期英气,后期16年后有点走样。
thank you
thank you for sharing
thanks for sharing
thank alot for sharing
can someone please continue upload this series thank u so much
感 謝 版 主 ,
您 好 !  
謝 謝 您 無 私 的 分 享 !
thank you for sharing
please continue upload
好多天没有更新了,希望尽快更新吧, 辛苦你了, 謝謝你!
why you don't update no more?
Please update the most
Thank you
1# whyhung
Please upload more episodes. Thanks!