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1) 我想問下大家點解會知呢個壇~
This forum is recommended by my frds for dl drama .
2) 同埋點解會加入呢~
Just registered few days ago.......
The reason is that i wanna to reply some posts. I just reckon that you have to show your
appreciation to the people who share stuff.
3) 仲有你地覺得個壇有咩特別同有咩期望~
....ummm...I reckon I need to explore more before I can answer this question. But I reckon the stuff here is quite update. I like the way that this forum includes other areas as well as Tvb and hope that there will be more sub-forums. :)

[ 本帖最後由 i_咖啡 於 2006-9-14 04:33 PM 編輯 ]

