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[軟件下載] iTunes 10 JailBreak 用家

新推出的 iTunes 10 已可供用家 <下載>,不過醒目的 JailBreak 用家就擔心新版 iTunes 會否把 JB 封殺而不敢升級。屬 Dev-Team 的 MuscleNerd 已在 Twitter 表示,JB 用家可放心升級 iTunes 10,所有 DFU 模式、同步、選擇 IPSW 等全部都運作無誤。反為他提醒各位 JB 用家,下周推出的 iOS 4.1 暫時不要安裝
thanks for the info..
3# sinsin56 It got nothing to do woith JB...it  depends on what apps did u download that really consume your battery that fast.  Even without JB, your phone battery will last only a day if you installs some apps that consume your batt fast.
樓主大人,請問itune 10 係唔係速度快過 itune 9 好多??
thank you for sharing
thank you for sharing
thank you very much
thanks you very much !!
thank you very much
Hope that JB 4.1 will release soon, thanks for sharing.
http://www.quickpwn.com/2010/10/ ... touch-released.html


here is the iphone 4 ios4.1 jailbreak download link and demo video, should be can use~
thank 4 sharing.