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[問題] 想移民加拿大

Hi, 而家係倫敦住,做文職,但想全家移民加拿大, 唔知最直接同容易嘅方法係點? 會唔會好難搵工作.
2# Pedestrian_A
I am not a investor, just a normal working class and simply wanted to have a change
4# 335439311
thanks. 係倫敦住悶咗. 想轉下.加拿大好似多華人D. 而家做野要求getting higher and higher.... 可能要從頭來過.
唔知有冇D agents or webpage that you can suggest?
7# Pedestrian_A

Sorry for the late reply. I am working in a transport consulting film, I don't think I can bring my skills to there.

Thanks for the link. I will have a look.
本帖最後由 kyy1 於 2014-5-2 10:34 PM 編輯

9# 335439311

Thank you. Do I need to have any companies willing to take me in before I can start doing anything?

was thinking if no companies wanted to even interview me (or looking at my CV), there is almost no chances for me to go....?

Have sent a couple of job applications to some companies in Canada but have heard nothing so far