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求救 the operating system did not shutdown cleanly

一開機  the operating system did not shutdown cleanly
Can't go into BOIS or any USB  boot.......
HELP pls  .....
熱鬧時想找寧靜, 獨處時想找伴兒
Maybe is m/b problem
850605weng 發表於 2014-11-30 11:03 PM
ya !  thx ~~
after reset the BIOS , it can go in BOIS, then i tried to unplug the SSD HDD, it can goin window again, but when plug the SSD HDD it didn't work again....
原因用了  Intel Smart Response Technology(SSD Caching) for HDD acceleration ...
用了 enhanced mode, 盡可能資料能還原底下,導致 window 不斷嘗試讀回SSD HDD上一次失去資料而 loop 死呢個位。 經拔電, reset BOIS, 再 dis-acceleration, 便成功重回死人視窗的窗口裡。。。。。。又再對住隻窗。。。

Thx 850605weng ~!
熱鬧時想找寧靜, 獨處時想找伴兒
不是啦 ~  起初我不知怎算,完全控不到。。。一直死在那畫面,幸好點一點,才能一步一步解決 ~~~~  謝謝呀
熱鬧時想找寧靜, 獨處時想找伴兒