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[生活小百科] Melt Blown Fabric PP Resin PPH,Y1500

Overview& z4 X9 |8 [2 l3 }: @! `
公仔箱論壇. N5 ?8 M2 A0 k8 X  s: Y6 c
www3.tvboxnow.com% d: N( m. f) r2 Y6 i- b5 `3 i
PPH,Y1500 can be applied in PP non-woven fabrics and PP melt blown fabrics.www3.tvboxnow.com0 J5 f. Z; q% Q7 F6 G; ^5 X

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This resin is spinnable with super high fluidity for melt blown fabrics extrusion. Low yellowing index, good transparency, low VOC. It is compatible with flame retardant masterbatch, nano-silver antibiosis/antiviral masterbatch and electret masterbatch.