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12# jayyap  

14# ebay  
請參考附件,我是否哪裡做錯了? ...
Niko_Kwan 發表於 2010-1-12 02:01 PM
can you copy main movie only
16# ebay

附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件
16# ebay  

Niko_Kwan 發表於 2010-1-13 06:07 PM
try to open both DVD Fab HD Decryter & DVDFab ,then use DVDFab to copy the main movie,hope can help you this time?
18# ebay

我把DVD Fab HD Decryter & DVDFab都打開了,DVD Fab HD Decryter不做任何動作(隨它讀取DVD上的資料)。然後就用DVDFab的主要影片來複製(請參考附件)。請問我是否理解錯了?
附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件
18# ebay  

我把DVD Fab HD Decryter & DVDFab都打開了,DVD Fab HD Decryter不做任何動作(隨它讀取DVD上的資料)。然後就用DVDFab的主要影片來複製(請參考附件)。請問我是否理 ...
Niko_Kwan 發表於 2010-1-14 01:10 PM
can you tell me the title of the movie (it is dvd or blue ray),i need to buy one and hope can find out why.
can you tell me the title of the movie (it is dvd or blue ray),i need to buy one and hope can find out why.
ebay 發表於 2010-1-14 06:58 PM
I  think one is "monster", & the other is "blue dragon".
I used to use DVD Shrink + Anydvd, no problem at all .
I  think one is "monster", & the other is "blue dragon".
I used to use DVD Shrink + Anydvd, no problem at all .
Aenergy 發表於 2010-1-14 11:02 PM
if it is "monster",i just wonder what's going on,because i have copy this movie before with DVD Fab HD Decryter,and it's no problem
I  think one is "monster", & the other is "blue dragon".
I used to use DVD Shrink + Anydvd, no problem at all .
Aenergy 發表於 2010-1-14 11:02 PM
知悉DVD Shrink和Anydvd需一併使用。可能我是去官網下載,所以是要付款才可使用。不知道有沒有免費的提供?
if it is "monster",i just wonder what's going on,because i have copy this movie before with DVD Fab HD Decryter,and it's no problem
ebay 發表於 2010-1-15 07:34 AM
>>第一次是monster(box 1),還了以後就借blue dragon(box 1),現在這個是怪~ayakashi~的天守物語。這是買的了。我擔心這是我電腦的問題,未必可以短時間內解決。
>>不好意思,我不會看哪些是blue ray的dvd,所以把背面scan了。請幫忙看看(http://www.badongo.com/file/19764356)。

知悉DVD Shrink和Anydvd需一併使用。可能我是去官網下載,所以是要付款才可使用。不知道有沒有免費的提供?

>>第一次是monster(box 1),還了以後就借blue dragon(box 1),現在這個是怪~ayakashi~的天守物語。這 ...
Niko_Kwan 發表於 2010-1-15 02:22 PM
ayakashi is DVD
Anydvd & DVDFab HD Decrypter are the same thing,i used anydvd before,there is no different.Both are not free software.

long time no see that any guy share this software again after the software company has change the way to sent the key.

i still wonder why you can't copy movie
24# ebay

>>不好意思,我不在行,擔心我理解錯。既然Anydvd和DVDFab HD Decrypter是the same thing,由於DVD Shrink和Anydvd需一併使用,那是否DVD Shrink和DVDFab HD Decrypter也需一併使用?
本帖最後由 Aenergy 於 2010-1-16 12:05 AM 編輯
知悉DVD Shrink和Anydvd需一併使用。可能我是去官網下載,所以是要付款才可使用。不知道有沒有免費的提供?

>>第一次是monster(box 1),還了以後就借blue dragon(box 1),現在這個是怪~ayakashi~的天守物語。這 ...
Niko_Kwan 發表於 2010-1-15 02:22 PM
U may try this link...it has the software + key(just click on Download torrent)
u can search for any movie u want & dl it  from this site
just type in the name in the "search"box.

This site is very useful for searching movie,music, TV drama,software....
24# ebay  

>>不好意思,我不在行,擔心我理解錯。既然Anydvd和DVDFab HD Decrypter是the same thing,由於DVD Shrink和Anydvd需一併使用,那是否DVD Shrink和DVDFab HD Decrypter也需一併使用?
>>請問我是否提供 ...
Niko_Kwan 發表於 2010-1-15 06:13 PM
even though both are the same thing but anydvd need to use with other software (like dvd shrink),DVDFab HD Decrypter do not need other software for copy movie.

why you cannot copy movie,i still have no idea
12# jayyap
謝謝前輩的幫忙!但我按它指示,按“Add...”後,等了半天還是那樣子(請參考附件DVD Ripper)。有點慢,所以最終我把它關了。請問您會否有一樣的情況?

26# Aenergy

27# ebay

>>這個(http://www.badongo.com/file/19880041)DVD Shrink 3.2的驅動程式,正確嗎?如是的話,是否永久免費?
>>我試過用DVD Shrink和Anydvd來複製怪~ayakashi~的天守物語。它顯示是成功的,但比原本的小(原本是4.36G,複製的只有3.77G)。我是看這個(http://www.**被過濾**.com/viewthread.php?tid=1808580)教學的。附件DVD Shrink & AnyDVD是我做的步驟。請問有沒有問題?開了AnyDVD後要怎麼做?

附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件
12# jayyap  
謝謝前輩的幫忙!但我按它指示,按“Add...”後,等了半天還是那樣子(請參考附件DVD Ripper)。有點慢,所以最終我把它關了。請問您會否有一樣的情況?

26# Aenergy  
>>謝謝前輩的提供!我感覺這個 ...
Niko_Kwan 發表於 2010-1-20 10:03 AM
1) i don't know  '天守物語' is 'no copy allow' or not
2) AnyDVD 安裝的21天後,需要注冊 & pay 才可使用
3) DVD Shrink 3.2 是永久免費
4) '試過用DVD Shrink和Anydvd來複製怪~ayakashi~的天守物語。它顯示是成功的,但比原本的小(原本是4.36G,複製的只有3.77G)', it's because you only copy main movie.if this is 'no copy allow' movie,now you are success to copy a movie.
5) ' 附件DVD Shrink & AnyDVD是我做的步驟.',  沒有問題.     
    '開了AnyDVD後要怎麼做?' you are doing the right thing,why you still ask me
isohunt.com 我知是有中文資料的...

首先...我見到呢个AnyDVD係 +reg
但係你的圖話只剩 19日...
係咪你冇做註册碼呢个 step???

你試吓得唔得再 post 个結果出來吧