ForeverEver 當前離線
我講事實jehhhhh..... engchang 發表於 2009-8-25 10:57 PM
h2o (阿水~Water)當前離線
水水被人蝦啊????? engchang 發表於 2009-8-25 04:51 PM
engchang 當前離線
你閃左去邊啊 h2o 發表於 2009-8-25 11:00 PM
jznw u not accompany her in msn meh? then throw us here~ ReeNY 發表於 2009-8-25 04:52 PM
wk.hoo 當前離線
潜水二哥 ForeverEver 發表於 2009-8-25 10:58 PM
LOL~ur lan gag reali...... ReeNY 發表於 2009-8-25 04:54 PM
dicksonkhan 當前離線
小白 班女玩野啊 h2o 發表於 2009-8-25 10:59 PM
谢幕了。。我要谢幕了。。 wk.hoo 發表於 2009-8-25 11:03 PM
LOL~ur lan gag reali...... ReeNY 發表於 2009-8-25 10:54 PM
many people come out say we bully my little bro ah not only step break....need to stop engine lar........... ForeverEver 發表於 2009-8-25 04:54 PM
ReeNY 當前離線
thanks..... next time u go to supermarket with dracula's family then u know what to do lar h2o 發表於 2009-8-25 11:07 PM
他没带你去吃McD吗? dicksonkhan 發表於 2009-8-25 11:09 PM
wah... "throw" you tim.. xD no need such "word" to describe h2o 發表於 2009-8-25 11:03 PM
anyhow have to laugh also.. you waste so much time to write the joke out ForeverEver 發表於 2009-8-25 04:59 PM