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Sound Bar 那隻牌子比較好

如果想慳位, 那隻牌子Sound Bar 約$3,000比較好呢
Yamaha, Denon 都可以考慮
Yamaha, Denon 都可以考慮
matthewcheng200 發表於 2020-4-21 05:53 PM
Thanks for your suggestion, brother
Samsung HW-M450.
I have one Samsung HW-M450 on hand , New 2020 style , Are you have interesting sell to you ?
Lower price.
Denon dht-s216 評價唔差
Denon dht-s216
Denon dht-s216 評價唔差
ruudwai 發表於 2020-8-11 09:03 AM
I bought this, its good!
I bought this, its good!
sleeper1979 發表於 2020-9-14 09:54 PM
I bought this, its good!
sleeper1979 發表於 2020-9-14 09:54 PM
Yamaha, Denon 都可以考慮
matthewcheng200 發表於 2020-4-21 05:53 PM
Yamaha好用呀, 又平
Yamaha, JBL