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[Windows] 求救.....!!!

 ,  描述: VISTA 的烦恼.....
自从买了VISTA后...,所有旧的PC-GAME 都不能玩了 ...真是非常心痛:onion03: :onion03: :onion03: ,因为我有很多珍藏的好GAME... 请各路电脑大侠帮帮忙 ...
舊的PC Game, 不能支援Vista
因為每套遊戲設計時, 如果支持XP平台, 那麼就能在XP上玩
但對於舊的遊戲...例如一些小遊戲...或者一些遊戲如 三國志1~10..大概不能在Vista上跑了
ya , jwxie518 is right , if u wan playing back the old game , better install back window xp
install 2 os system
Yes, install 2 os system. But very importent. You have in stall win-xp first. But donnot forget make partition for this 2 os system . Xp 10gi. and for vista 20gi !!!!:onion14:
That's not the truth. Why Vista can't play old games is because most of the old game use direct X 9.0c or below, but vista is using direct x 10.
If you want to play old games, try to find a direct 9.0c for vista.
see what u play 1st....i use Vista also, but i can play game...
example...tree kingtom.. sim city...warcraft...etc