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first part - good
; Y: d/ D; d7 V- [' L0 Wmiddle part -excellent
( `/ r6 p1 [$ ?! V* U6 p" ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvbmiddle end - tidiouswww3.tvboxnow.com8 C( ^0 P- t' |# ]; k
ending -good and touching4 H: `! n0 t# C0 `% N5 h2 s  S4 p
Testydroid 發表於 2012-1-3 09:45 AM
* }4 z; U+ ~% b" c, [" a5 \6 H) Y' R0 |www3.tvboxnow.comI not finished the series yet, so I have high hopes of a good ending because you say so.www3.tvboxnow.com% }0 K' C7 m, {- t9 S  L( S
I hope for some good ending after watching the ridiculous last epi of 狼君。。。。