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你有夢想過住在這樣的一個花園嗎? 這房子被盛開如彩虹的夏日之花所覆蓋, 可說是蔚為奇觀.

英國北約克一對老夫婦安妮和羅賓因為看見花圃內的美麗花籃, 決定自己動手做而開始了這個鮮花佈置工程, 欲罷不能; 26年下來仍在不斷增添.

每個傍晚和周末他們都在忙著, 親力親為. 從下種、發苗開始; 所有都是他們夫婦倆悉心照料的成果.

Colourful: Anne Strange amongst the thousands of rainbow coloured blooms almost covering her house in North Yorkshire

Inspired: Motorists adore looking at the couple's home and one woman even sends a gift voucher every Christmas to express her appreciation of the spectacle

Bright and beautiful: Even back in 1988, left, and in 1980, right, the Strange's house looked stunning but over the years it's become even more beautiful

Dedication: Mr and Mrs Strange spend hundreds of pounds every year planting seeds and nurturing the blooms inside a greenhouse
super, how nice if can make it real too in my place as part of their ideas
好靚. 但年紀咁大, 要爬上爬下照顧D花都幾危險啊.


  • vandas

thank you for sharing
好靚呀, 好多花啊. 她一定很有錢
除左要有錢... 就一定要有恆心啊.


  • vandas

好靚呀, 好多花啊. 她一定很有錢
除左要有錢... 就一定要有恆心啊.
alfredxp 發表於 2013-1-4 11:37 PM
從種子開始; 所需要的恆心與耐力更巨大.

Very good