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在内网:文件共享是正常的,输入\\电脑名 能看见该机上的共享文件和打印机,选择安装打印机没什么错误提示,安装后打测试页提示“没有安装打印机驱动”。电脑重启过好几次了,驱动也有删除过、重新安装过,但问题还是存在,特别奇怪的是“有少数几台机器能正常打印!!”

回復 #1 kingsem_zhang 的帖子

请再检查下networking settings和是否sharing打印机!
我支前試過一樣。問題出於。【  删除驱动的時后。一定要所有打印机到电脑線源離開  】

vista home can't add printer~pls help

My windows vista home can't add printer,show the below msg:-

Windows can't open add printer.The local print spooler service is not
running.Please restart the spooler or restart the machine.

I need how to do? pls advise  Thx -.-

回應 hariluya 第 4 篇文章

Maybe you need to download and install the latest driver from your printer support website or just update the printer driver from the device manager in Vista!