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to day so boring here !!!!

back to play pet lur !!  

回復 #1756 bourget 的帖子

:sleeps: :sleeps: :sleeps:
Sleep lo juju n woofy ..no suprise today...bb...
stockbecasue i am no here playing  haha......stock market is a mess!!!!!!:onion03:
what happened?
why is it a mess?
:onion03: :onion03:

85﹐ 86﹐ 87 買吾到 ﹗﹗:onion03:
felix no banana !!!!!!!!
really hard to buy new share:024: :024:

回復 #1763 l77o5twa17t3d 的帖子

想點 ﹖﹖﹖
  cant buy your shares too !!!

回復 #1763 l77o5twa17t3d 的帖子

why hard i manage to buy 10000 ur share wor.

回復 #1765 felixng2007 的帖子

u wait at the opening of stock, rite?......
原帖由 bourget 於 2007-12-15 04:28 AM 發表
想點 ﹖﹖﹖
  cant buy your shares too !!!
heeheee....i think we need to wake up eariler..

回復 #1766 l77o5twa17t3d 的帖子

i already ask everyone to buy ur stock......if u did not say we cannot buy i will not try haha

回復 #1767 l77o5twa17t3d 的帖子

no ned to wake up earlier now no more shares will be issue...........100000 shares we already secure 80000 shares haha 80%