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原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-17 06:42 AM 發表
bourget said.....me always zero shares.......but i already sold out most of them......64% left i am holding.............what can i do?
any shares come out will be bought any way
You said you only want the people you know to buy.
You can release shares out for others to buy then?
I don't know what you want. You want people to push your stock or not?

回復 #1876 woofy 的帖子

how to push.....if release shares many people will buy and keep it for FUN.......
i better awit until later i will release more and more la.................now it is very dangerous........
i really don;t want to post out something silly like......

please support my shares by buying and selling it, do not keep it..
ASk yourself who will really do it?
this game is getting stupid now.....i may just sell my company at same stages....u know i do not dry talk ga la..........if i am fell it is so much stupid i better give other people chances.:onion31:
felix ~~~~~~don't worry !!!
I will push yours later !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:onion31:
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-17 07:02 AM 發表
how to push.....if release shares many people will buy and keep it for FUN.......
i better awit until later i will release more and more la.................now it is very dangerous........
i really do ...
It's your choice to release shares or not then.
You can't expect it to go up when you don't release shares out.
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-17 07:05 AM 發表
this game is getting stupid now.....i may just sell my company at same stages....u know i do not dry talk ga la..........if i am fell it is so much stupid i better give other people chances.:onion31:
It's the same game like before? People were like that before too.

I thought you were going to type chinese!
own my Disney shares  =  身份像徵 ﹗﹗ :onion14:

don't have many shares out !!!

回復 #1880 woofy 的帖子

it will go up ga, u go to see my meothd la......i know is stupid method but better than keep shares by someone............and i have to beg for people to release........
honestly later i might.......
退隱深山 食香蕉!!!!!

回復 #1882 bourget 的帖子

you go and see u will end up ZERO shares as well!!!!!!
That jj99xx is calling us jackass with that stupid picture! :024:

http://www.tvbnow.com/redirect.p ... o=lastpost#lastpost

回復 #1885 woofy 的帖子

no, i think he is saying himself is jackass....
原帖由 felixng2007 於 2007-12-17 07:11 AM 發表
you go and see u will end up ZERO shares as well!!!!!!
yeah ! yeah! I will  配股 ﹗﹗﹗
play for fun this time !! hahahaha !

回復 #1885 woofy 的帖子

crazy ppl there !!

回復 #1887 bourget 的帖子

why u two in bad mood now....happy la do not argue la.......
forgot to say merry christmas to you two:onion05: :onion05:
原帖由 bourget 於 2007-12-17 06:13 AM 發表
想做股東。。。。須要申請 ﹗﹗
申請,申請 ...support, support