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[更新EP03] (明珠台) 《龐貝末日倒數 / The Last Days of Pompeii》- EP01~03 [2019-04-17][HDTV-MP4-720P][粵語配音中字]

 ,  描述: (TVBOXNOW原創)
In this episode, Bettany Hughes investigates Pompeii’s bath houses and complex water system. Meanwhile John Sergeant dives under the streets of Naples to find the remains of one of the wonders of the Ancient World – the Aqua Augusta. And Raksha climbs down to the crater of Vesuvius to see what the Volcano would have been doing in those fateful moments before the eruption.


【檔案大小】 : 512MB
【影片格式】 : HDTV-MP4-720P(1280x720)
【發音語言】 : 粵語配音
【字幕語言】 : 中文字幕

TVBOXNOW 龐貝末日倒數 EP01.torrent (46.46 KB)

TVBOXNOW 龐貝末日倒數 EP02.torrent (44.63 KB)

TVBOXNOW 龐貝末日倒數 EP03.torrent (45.52 KB)

thank you for sharing
thanks for sharing
thanks for sharing
cool stuff dude, nice one!!
Thank you very much
thank you for sharing ep1
thank you so much for your kindness
唔該哂, 多謝分享咁多精彩嘅嘢睇,衷心感謝
thanks for sharing
Ep01 Thank's U so much~