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Yeah.... and what exactly is your point? What is it that you want people to do in response?

Seriously mate, all of your posts are about racists in Australia, if that's how you feel about this country, well the exit door is always open if you haven't left already. And if you think you get mistreated everywhere you go, I would suggest you take a long hard look at yourself first to see what the problem is.

Trust me if you dig hard enough you'll find the odd nationalist/racial supremacist in ANY country in the world. In fact I would say even first world Asians (Japs, Koreans for example) are EASILY less racially-tolerant than ANY English-speaking Western nation.

If you have enough spare time trawling through the internet for racist forum postings, why don't you spend some of it on researching what percentage of the population do white supremacists represent in the whole country?

I take it you don't have any white friends? I won't second guess what you're like but I hope you're not the type of loser that doesn't assimilate and then whinge about feeling unwelcomed.
本帖最後由 huit 於 2012-1-5 10:05 PM 編輯




2. Topix是美國論壇,其中闢出澳洲討論區,要找澳洲主流民意,何不從澳洲網站找? 更何況種族主意者在該論壇只屬少數,他們的發言,何"主流"之有? 還是你要刻意去找合用的帖子來轉貼吧? 我介紹你上stormfront看看,包你收穫良多

3. 我居澳超過廿年,從小學到現在工作當然領教過種族歧視,尤其是讀書時候。整體上澳洲是個很包容的社會,但這個社會(包括我在內)並不尊重不屑融入主流而又想苟且偷安的弱者生存。這一點之前已用英文提及

4. 你非常在意別人說你老二小,或白人泡亞洲妹等無聊事,點中了死穴乎?

5. 你每次發帖都是清一色關於種族歧視, 都係嗰句: 你究竟想點? 想煽動華人武裝起義,個個扯行哂旗檢閱,抬起"頭"來咁話?


Good to see you stayed up last night.
bwk0317 發表於 2012-1-5 11:09 PM
Well... looking at your feeble attempts at English on this forum thus far, that's not evident. I'll be glad to be proven wrong of course - so bring it on. Hey, at least I don't make the FOB mistake of confusing "dumb" with "dump" - curiously that's a typically Hongkie thing to do. But then again you're supposedly not asian eh?
斷章取義 - 誰?是我還是我轉貼文章的那個人?看來是你自己是非不分顛倒黑白而已。
Let's see, the fact that (a) you're willing to take biased, unsubstantiated opinion from a minority group and sell that as fact, and (b) time and time again have only been able to address snippets of the points myself and others have made in reply, and avoided answering the difficult questions we've raised, why wouldn't I be surprised that you'll be prone to 斷章取義? And here's a reminder, there is no 黑白 in opinion, as for 是非, you have plenty of that.
Again, don't know what world you come from. But most people I know have REAL things to worry about, like a mortgage, career, kids. But given the level of maturity you've displayed in every single one of your posts, it's not beyond any stretch of imagination that the people you hang around are just as juvenile as you are, and are more concerned about penis size, Asian dietary habits, Japanese sub-culture and shemales. If that's the view of 一般白人, I'd love to see you back that up, so go on, start digging away at the forums again.

As for 想不想承認 - it's pretty obvious that on this forum, only YOU are the one who's most concerned about impressions. So, IF you're non-Asian as you've been alluding to, why does it bother you so much? You chose to come to a forum predominantly visited by Chinese-speaking Asians, and deliberately post biased, racist and provocative messages (whether or not they are reposts or your opinion is irrelevant) against Asians, if that's not trolling, I don't know what is.

I'll enjoy watching you paddle yourself out of this one kiddo.