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then din't go out celebrate ar???
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-4 04:59 PM
saturday will go to meet my friends :D
no need meet "someone" meh??
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-4 05:22 PM
"someone" is tomorrow and saturday is with "someone" + friends
big sis' is sleeping now~
your GOOD little bro is "looking the door" for you
little bro is looking at the door agaaaaain!
open big big my eyes Ô_Ô and this is the door : [-|-] (it looks like 古裝 door LOL!....)
don't wooooooooooooorryyy!! even a fly can't come in!!!

- *bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz* (a fly comes in)!
- OH SH*T! *take a flyswatter* (hey hey!! no rude word please, there are kids here! yes yes i know :x)
- *bzzzzzzzzzzzz*
-  *run behind the fly*
- *bzzzzzzzzzzz*
-  *hit the fly*
- *bzzzz.....zzz....z...................@#!=... .. .. ... .*
- Yeeeeeeees!

... ok it wasn't fun at all
little bro....what are you doing when i am sleeping ar????
no wonder i heard some "hitting" sound yesterday....
that's you who having war with the fly......***bzzzzzzzzzzzzz*** ...
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-8 04:32 AM
i'm looking at the door for you ar! ^^
oops~did I disturb your dream yesterday night then? sorry.. but you know, it wasn't my fault! the fly came in and I just hit it jar
(btw we should add some 隔音系統 for our house )
thank you my little bro.....i looking at the door when you are sleeping too....
no one will disturb you sleeping ga....
i wasn't dreaming yesterday night....just heard hitting sound j ...
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-9 03:11 AM
come to have a look at the door~
beep, beep~roger roger! everything's okay! no fly tonight! (but mosquitos maybe? oh no it's worse )
little bro looks like security guard.....beep beep~~ roger roger~~
i hate mosquito.... oh no....mosquito is here.....don't disturb my little bro sleeping ah..... ...
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-10 03:16 AM
guess what??! :D
security guard is here again =
<= what's that???!! "Men In Black"?! no... it's my security guard look... *"cling" sound on the sunglasses*
(Yeah~I know it's handsome)
PS : okay no comment.... I know that my jokes are getting cooler more and more
= Man in bl.... erm!!..... security guard is here again!

tonight's report : no fly, no mosquito, no spider, no "little strong", "ghost shadow no one"
c'mon that's absolutely normal! my presence makes every animal/beast "chicken fly dog go away" (please pronounce "xxx" in cantonese)

my "kill air" is too strong lar! in fact my "cling sound on the sunglasses" is too bright and scare them away... just like superman's fire laser, but mine's is more powerful!
why is more powerful? hehe look at this  ""  you never noticed that there is sunlight on my sunglass although it's the night meh? yeaaaah! my sunglasses can "bright" without the sun! can you see my power? how can i do this? HAHAHAHAHA IT'S A SECREEEET!! CONFIDENTIAL!!!
hmmm? okay okay, good mood today so i tell you lar...
ok listen....... this secret is..................... dong, dong, dong, dong (someone's playing the drum to add suspense (who is playing? huh?! this i don't know bor?! O_O)
do you remember my job?
security guard, right?
and what does security guard have?
well, i'm just using the torch to light up my sunglass to make this "sunbright effect" on the sunglass........
well, this is called "eat brain"~ how to make the impossible possible!

PS : it was water's cold joke time~... thanks for watching
Water bro, Nice joke
cck_my 發表於 2010-2-12 07:26 AM
thank you cck
little bro....this direct translation is funny,luckily i understand...to those who don't understand ~~
"little strong" is 小强, "ghost shadow no one" is 鬼影都无只, "chicken fly dog go a ...
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-2-12 11:57 AM
tonight don't have enough "spirit feeling" to write cold joke tim........ now is midnight and my brain is K.O........
- big sis' : GO GO GO ZZZ LAR!
- water : nooooo okay okay wait 15min more lar~  
- big sis' : ok
*15min later* ^^
- big sis' : little brooooooo!! 15min already! gogogo!
- water : oh?! hai meh?~ 15min more lar gam =)
- big sis' : *speechless*... erm ok
*15 min later again*
- big sis' : little bro!!
- water : what? may i help you? :D
- big sis' : time's up!
- water : where got?
- big sis' : here and there also got!
- water : it's okay, still can wait ^^
- big sis' : this little bro is............... *give her little bro kek sei jor* (big sis' : CHOIIII!! it's CNY AND YOU SAY THIS!! LEU YOUR SALIVA AND RESPEAK!! - water: ohhhh x'cuse me! let's give another try then...) take 2 : *give her little bro kek faint jor* (omg cantonglish is back again??)
- water : don't die... eeeer faaaaint ar!!
- big sis' : ...
- water : ...?!
- ocean : ??............. (hey! what are you doing in this conversationn??!!!!! are you trying to spy on me again???!!)

what will happen next??
will jessie resurrect... eeeer!!!!!!! take 2 (again?) : regain consciousness? (big sis' : why are you cursing me again??? you hate me right?? :'( - water : absolutely nooot! you know i like you gar big sis'! really really~ T_T)
what does ocean want? why is she spying on water?
why is water telling cold joke?

and the most important is ............... why water didn't put the man in bl... errm... the security guard look tonight??!
(because it's weekend and security guard also need day-off gar!!............ok another cold joke.. not funny at all... hmmm?)

so many questions.... why? why? why?
.. (hey wront typing here! 2 dots xDDD)

if you want to know what will happen next, go down...
just follow the next episode!!!

[to be continued...]

PS : 自己都唔知自己寫乜................ 真係9唔答8 @_@
big sis' 有想little bro嗎? ^^
好像已經好久沒來過... 各位還好嗎?
大家好...好耐冇見 (有冇2個月?)

big sis'睇黎你既專用security guard要請假啦...

PS : 請假都要繼續出量啊
hey little bro add oil in your homework.....
don't get yourself too pressure....need to have good rest....
no worry, our house is safe.....
will wait for you to come back as security guard ag ...
ForeverEver 發表於 2010-4-1 02:33 AM
i can have a little break with this weekend because 目前的作業 are done
but still have many thing to do too
tomorrow, go to the hairdresser's with my bestfriend
saturday, have to meet someone
sunday, few cousins will probably come to my house
monday, public holiday... my classmate will come to my house to continue our project
argh.... when can I have a lie-in?

big sis' your little bro is dying in silence.......