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just join this family
i am currently 6轉455級
am i going to get some extra bonus?
Hi I want get 財富戒指 is that possible send me one?
i am not at the level yet ma.....
can I pay it to rental it?
kay199143 發表於 2009-6-5 03:16 PM
How much per day then?
thank you
er....his shop does not have 財富戒指 for rental....
00-00-00 發表於 2009-6-5 10:50 PM
thank you for that...i will return after I can get the ring from warehous
from 6轉 to 7轉206級 now.... is that any bonus?
my pet is from 7轉 to 8轉145級 now...can I apply for 法神装备????? thank you
PowerAu 法神之靴 1 2009-06-07 14:08:00
PowerAu 法神披風 1 2009-06-07 14:07:44
PowerAu 法神頭盔 1 2009-06-07 14:07:25
PowerAu 法神戒指 1 2009-06-07 14:07:12
PowerAu 法神權杖 1 2009-06-07 14:06: ...
00-00-00 發表於 2009-6-7 02:09 PM
thank you very much for that.....
級別:8轉=> 9轉178級
is that another extra money again?