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原帖由 qyzjy 於 2008-11-10 04:12 PM 發表
Are u level up by fighting or exp med??

Only the genuine fight will raise the 掉宝率......

原帖由 qyzjy 於 2008-11-10 04:31 PM 發表

Oh..... during the low level u should beat the monster..... because it's easy to level up.......in the high level.....it's very difficult and time consuming to level up......

mm...... let me think.....
I don't use card until 1 turn.......
when i reach 1 turn my 掉宝率 is about 40+

now is 90+ just 1 weeks ago only...
and my level last monday is 1 turn 0 level
now is 6 turn 470 level.....

so far only use 3 or 4 cards......
原帖由 qyzjy 於 2008-11-10 04:54 PM 發表
I just hit whatever monster i encounter...... don't bother what or where.......
ur 掉宝 will increase......

I heard someone got 400+ 掉宝 during turn 11 or 17...... don't remember the exact turn......


Based on my experience.....

During my 0 turn to 1 turn......

I fight by the normal way.....

no red gems, no magic is used.... no special equipment........ that's why it's so difficult during the early stage..... even no money...... I hv to convert my limited TVB$ for the pets equipments......

I still remember from level 0 to 200 i tooks 2 months to complete...... That's why initially when I join the family stephenhor asked me to re-born... i really got shock..... everything hv to re-start form level zero.......but that time my 掉宝率 already 40+
dont bother lar...... we will give u the stuff mah........ just ask from our brother.....stephenhor....lor.....he will give....
SEE..... i say mah.... not so bother about the掉宝......whatever normal item u get, u may sell for $$, focus on level up......need special item just mention......big brother will give.........of course u need to show your works...........

原帖由 shannon0730 於 2008-11-10 08:46 PM 發表

OIC.......learn the new thing.......
Just change to 7轉.......finally......

[ 本帖最後由 hahakl 於 2008-11-11 12:26 AM 編輯 ]
Good morning.......

Report: I'm now 7轉377級
davidvilla21 寵物幣 5000 2008-11-11 14:19:06

Try to sent some 紅寶石, but your beg is full......

ENJOY & WELCOME..........
Hi hi......jjj9930

1st to see u in the family chat room.....

Nice to meet u.......
Actually i don't know what chinese software to use for type the chinese...... is it built in the IE??

Ok...ok.....pay u 1st then.....
原帖由 stephenhor 於 2008-11-11 05:41 PM 發表
I m not free.....my pet just die....... POLICE.......

Rest for a while lor.......

REPORT: I'm now 7轉405級