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just back home ~
$$$ i'm coming~~
hi bbb~~~
hi~ rr (qq #2)
原帖由 rrliew 於 27/8/2008 10:46 發表
您贏了 126 場  輸了 174 場  得勝差是 -48 場
得勝率是 42 %   輸了 3138250 元  
在獎金排行榜排名第 790 位
may i know what r u talking about?
原帖由 cck_my 於 27/8/2008 10:48 發表
辉嫂, what happen between you & 辉哥?
dunno ar?  anything happen ma?
原帖由 queenalau 於 27/8/2008 10:53 發表

死婆,唔俾我!! i hate her!!!!!
u have lots of $$ & bf.....u ask them give u la~~ haha
原帖由 queenalau 於 27/8/2008 10:58 發表

我边有男朋友哦!! 他地都无俾我!!
maui gave u $1200000 lei~~
原帖由 maui 於 27/8/2008 10:57 發表
I have no GF  & money ...than how ya..???
dun give up~~~ queena is here la......

hey y dun u join our family...so u may get closer & closer.......
原帖由 bbb1999 於 27/8/2008 11:01 發表

u may join them at the same time....see i'm also join them too~~ hohoho
.....this time i get one step faster tim....
原帖由 cck_my 於 27/8/2008 11:03 發表

You go 沟仔, 辉哥 go 沟女, status of married are dangerous at the moment!
....rr also has 3 gf and rr also has 1 bf la ~~
原帖由 cck_my 於 27/8/2008 11:10 發表

rr not get marry yet but you are married!
........okok....so....... ....i'm so boring ..........
i take a shower sin
原帖由 cck_my 於 27/8/2008 11:15 發表

no GF, what BF?
u & dickson