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Disabled (失效的) -->dad-blasted(該死的)-->discovery(发现) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) --> nuclear (原子彈) -->rabbit punch(向頸背的猛擊(拳擊比賽中的犯規動作)) --> hilarious (極可笑的) -->sabbatical year(古猶太人的土地休種年) --> revolution (大變革)--> never (永不)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Disabled (失效的) -->dad-blasted(該死的)-->discovery(发现) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) --> nuclear (原子彈) -->rabbit punch(向頸背的猛擊(拳擊比賽中的犯規動作)) --> hilarious (極可笑的) -->sabbatical year(古猶太人的土地休種年) --> revolution (大變革)--> never (永不)-->rabbit warren(養兔場;飼兔圈地)-->no(不)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Disabled (失效的) -->dad-blasted(該死的)-->discovery(发现) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) --> nuclear (原子彈) -->rabbit punch(向頸背的猛擊(拳擊比賽中的犯規動作)) --> hilarious (極可笑的) -->sabbatical year(古猶太人的土地休種年) --> revolution (大變革)--> never (永不)-->rabbit warren(養兔場;飼兔圈地)-->no(不) -->oak(橡樹)-->kangaroo(袋鼠)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Disabled (失效的) -->dad-blasted(該死的)-->discovery(发现) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) --> nuclear (原子彈) -->rabbit punch(向頸背的猛擊(拳擊比賽中的犯規動作)) --> hilarious (極可笑的) -->sabbatical year(古猶太人的土地休種年) --> revolution (大變革)--> never (永不)-->rabbit warren(養兔場;飼兔圈地)-->no(不) -->oak(橡樹)-->kangaroo(袋鼠) -->oak apple(五倍子) --> E-Commerce (電子商務) -->eagle eye(銳利的目光)-->effectiveness(有效)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Disabled (失效的) -->dad-blasted(該死的)-->discovery(发现) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) --> nuclear (原子彈) -->rabbit punch(向頸背的猛擊(拳擊比賽中的犯規動作)) --> hilarious (極可笑的) -->sabbatical year(古猶太人的土地休種年) --> revolution (大變革)--> never (永不)-->rabbit warren(養兔場;飼兔圈地)-->no(不) -->oak(橡樹)-->kangaroo(袋鼠) -->oak apple(五倍子) --> E-Commerce (電子商務) -->eagle eye(銳利的目光)-->effectiveness(有效) --> significant (有意義的) -->table lamp(檯燈) --> Paper Mario (紙片馬力歐) -->oakum(填絮)-->man(男人)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Disabled (失效的) -->dad-blasted(該死的)-->discovery(发现) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) --> nuclear (原子彈) -->rabbit punch(向頸背的猛擊(拳擊比賽中的犯規動作)) --> hilarious (極可笑的) -->sabbatical year(古猶太人的土地休種年) --> revolution (大變革)--> never (永不)-->rabbit warren(養兔場;飼兔圈地)-->no(不) -->oak(橡樹)-->kangaroo(袋鼠) -->oak apple(五倍子) --> E-Commerce (電子商務) -->eagle eye(銳利的目光)-->effectiveness(有效) --> significant (有意義的) -->table lamp(檯燈) --> Paper Mario (紙片馬力歐) -->oakum(填絮)-->man(男人) -->nachos(烤乾酪辣味玉米片) --> Superman (超人) --> no(不)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Disabled (失效的) -->dad-blasted(該死的)-->discovery(发现) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) --> nuclear (原子彈) -->rabbit punch(向頸背的猛擊(拳擊比賽中的犯規動作)) --> hilarious (極可笑的) -->sabbatical year(古猶太人的土地休種年) --> revolution (大變革)--> never (永不)-->rabbit warren(養兔場;飼兔圈地)-->no(不) -->oak(橡樹)-->kangaroo(袋鼠) -->oak apple(五倍子) --> E-Commerce (電子商務) -->eagle eye(銳利的目光)-->effectiveness(有效) --> significant (有意義的) -->table lamp(檯燈) --> Paper Mario (紙片馬力歐) -->oakum(填絮)-->man(男人) -->nachos(烤乾酪辣味玉米片) --> Superman (超人) --> no(不) --> open(開) -->nabob(地方行政長官)-->Boloney(謊豂)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
酪辣味玉米片) --> Superman (超人) --> no(不) --> open(開) -->nabob(地方行政長官)-->Boloney(謊豂) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) -->notation(記號)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Superman (超人) --> no(不) --> open(開) -->nabob(地方行政長官)-->Boloney(謊豂) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) -->notation(記號) --> new (新) -->wabenzi(賓士汽車族) --> illegal(非法)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Superman (超人) --> no(不) --> open(開) -->nabob(地方行政長官)-->Boloney(謊豂) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) -->notation(記號) --> new (新) -->wabenzi(賓士汽車族) --> illegal(非法) -->labour relations(勞資關係)--> situation (處境)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Superman (超人) --> no(不) --> open(開) -->nabob(地方行政長官)-->Boloney(謊豂) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) -->notation(記號) --> new (新) -->wabenzi(賓士汽車族) --> illegal(非法) -->labour relations(勞資關係)--> situation (處境) -->nation(國家的)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Boloney(謊豂) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) -->notation(記號) --> new (新) -->wabenzi(賓士汽車族) --> illegal(非法) -->labour relations(勞資關係)--> situation (處境) -->nation(國家的) --> naive (天真的) --> easy (容易)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Boloney(謊豂) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) -->notation(記號) --> new (新) -->wabenzi(賓士汽車族) --> illegal(非法) -->labour relations(勞資關係)--> situation (處境) -->nation(國家的) --> naive (天真的) --> easy (容易) --> yapock  (水生蹼足負鼠)--> Keen (銳利的)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Boloney(謊豂) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) -->notation(記號) --> new (新) -->wabenzi(賓士汽車族) --> illegal(非法) -->labour relations(勞資關係)--> situation (處境) -->nation(國家的) --> naive (天真的) --> easy (容易) --> yapock  (水生蹼足負鼠)--> Keen (銳利的)--> no (不)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Boloney(謊豂) -->yachtswoman(女帆船運動員) -->notation(記號) --> new (新) -->wabenzi(賓士汽車族) --> illegal(非法) -->labour relations(勞資關係)--> situation (處境) -->nation(國家的) --> naive (天真的) --> easy (容易) --> yapock  (水生蹼足負鼠)--> Keen (銳利的)--> no (不) --> omelet (煎蛋捲) -->table(桌子) -->enough(够了)however --> (無論如何)
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment