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My hero not SpiderMan, Batman, Superman, IronMan but is Bomba-Men...www3.tvboxnow.com- K9 H. `# p5 X, B" D' z
7 z( j. _2 A7 V+ h) ^. F
our real heros...
Support this post and pay my respect to these two Firefighters. $ h! P% s. S7 J( D( N  I
tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb$ ?7 L& }2 {+ U# @. P5 W4 r2 B3 X
No matter how bad the media and public have been critising them on some stupid photos, but at the end, they are the one saving lifes... I think people should really learn to stop critising members who work for the general public for stupid things.
Agree on topic #34, (stupid public media)
salute to them. rest in peace.