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[已解決] How to upload pictures from own computer? 【 如何挂图】

本帖最後由 dereklam 於 2012-1-19 06:20 AM 編輯 www3.tvboxnow.com( q% H/ ^! a' o' W8 W) }8 q) T; z

8 a2 o) c% B! r. k0 X; AHi,
2 l0 S  h3 a- A5 ^3 R2 Q0 p( s+ k公仔箱論壇7 {5 |) F; w( v1 U" F) L: {
Can someone please teach me how do I upload pictures from my own computer?  not from an URL..tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ t; U" T) l/ u  `

2 I; i! H  R1 Y( f公仔箱論壇Thank you!!
$ X7 r/ V( T6 B$ K$ o0 Ytvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
( i3 L- [! ~, f5 qtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbCan someone please teach me how do I upload pictures from my own computer?  not from an URL..
3 g9 ?% C2 J7 Y4 @4 f* b. H& vwww3.tvboxnow.comwww3.tvboxnow.com% B2 M, T+ k9 g( s$ E' C
Thank you!!
7 x. k) s' u4 c. X' [" ~公仔箱論壇abtgolf 發表於 2011-2-13 01:13 PM
公仔箱論壇9 i8 L+ h' w3 @5 L
Maybe your 原始人status can only upload small files up to 976 KB only.


  • dereklam

高級回復>添加附件>插入>參與/回覆主題tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb  ?% x5 Q/ R9 k% A
1.Click 添加附件,look for the picture that you want to upload and add it.& d# c! ^( p1 ~8 n% j; C
2.Then you can see the 插入, click 插入. After 插入 you will see  appear.
, y" E! u& }8 q; d& f  If you need to add more picture, repeat step 1 & 2 to add more.
( I) x5 L) M4 e公仔箱論壇3.Click 參與/回覆主題, Done!. w( ^' M$ N8 H" b( I2 P
公仔箱論壇1 ~$ v, t: f2 }: i; K' I
附件: 您所在的用戶組無法下載或查看附件


  • dereklam
