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6# hayesleung

there would not be noticeable different but 4x4GB might be cheaper
為將來起見,RAM 都係只會不斷咁跌價,你睇下啲SSD 就知啦!
2 X 8 GB 會好啲囉我個人認為
最盡都係16GB的話, 當然睇價錢啦~平D方案.
4x4G Ram 價錢平過 2x8G
Since your motherboard can only handle up to 16GB. it makes no difference for  2x8GB or 4x4GB if both are working fine. When you go for 2x8GB, you will have2 extra slots empty of which you cannot upgrade for more than 16GB. Go for better price for your own advantages!

and she is my very love very loving

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8*2 燒左其中兩條RAM 糟都仲有兩條可以用
Must 8G x 2 !!
Consider whichever is cheaper first and if they are the same price, choose 2x8gb.
速度, 最取決係CPU & GPU,
RAM 夠8G 都可以.
2 條8 GB,,  2 條總好過4 條  ,, 壞機率比較少,,,
当然是2条8G  ram,将来如有需要还可以再加ram