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Just type something with some sort of meaning la. Like 'thank you' is ok ga la !!
Band la ... say thank you when someone open the door for you... give your seat to a senior.... I make myself a happy day...  我支持你 too!!
I sometime give point to those people who reply to a post even it is not hided yet.....
nitz, you are right... 講句唔該有幾難???

"多谢你就梗的,是响个心度讲的嘛。" >>> next time 响个心度 upload 好唔好...
原帖由 theo-dora 於 2007-11-5 10:04 AM 發表
type in a simple "thank you" or "support you for your work" then add a smiliey; how hard is that???  Obviously they never upload anything before, if they did they will know how to appreciate what othe ...
Thank you !!
原帖由 凍檸樂 於 2007-11-6 04:32 PM 發表


加油:014: 努力:014:

原帖由 zinongso 於 2007-11-11 05:11 AM 發表
thank you zinongso la... 我地宜傢真upload 講句唔該....

[ 本帖最後由 heiter89 於 2007-11-14 02:23 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 benlu119 於 2007-11-11 12:57 PM 發表
everyone just try to get wut they want and do wut they want je.....no need to make the forum like a school...

好似森美曾經係架勢堂講過你可以在地鐵叫人不要大聲講野﹐ 但無理由要立規定人搭地鐵唔可以講野 ...
benlu, you have time to download...so many files everyday.... you must be very tire, get more rest la....

BTW, we didn't make those rules.. we just make sure they are followed...
原帖由 faith_in_heart 於 2007-11-14 02:36 AM 發表
Nitz﹐你身為版主﹐你有份upload﹐你便有權利去要求與及定下一些規則﹐DL的人想取自己所需便有義務去守這些規則。很簡單的道理﹐為什麼仍然有人不明白﹖請堅持原則﹐你沒有錯﹐不用理會什麼幫不幫人﹐這個世界根本沒有免費午餐﹐你已非常 ...
thank you very much faith !!
hope all ppl understand....
原帖由 iamsimon 於 2007-11-14 10:54 AM 發表

以下您所發表的帖子被 heiter89 評分。


發表時間: 2007-9-20 10:50 AM
所在論壇: 電台節目分享
所在主題: 903 萬世巨星 2007-09-19 + 五天精華遊 2007-09-19

評分 ...
This post is nicer that the message I got from you ! Thank you for your information, I am sorry about the wrong point deductions. All the point deductions (撤銷評分) on that post has been reversed.
原帖由 faith_in_heart 於 2007-11-15 12:03 AM 發表
Heiter and Nitz,

不用客氣﹐你們所付出的﹐眾人有目共睹﹐我身在外國﹐坦白說﹐倘若沒有你們upload﹐我便不能免費聽到香港的電台節目﹐那便一定會悶壞﹐自問根本沒有付出過甚麼便已得到很多﹐可以做到的便是每一次都寫一句Thank You ...
thank you faith...
I usually working 10+ hours a day average.... It does not hurt that much to say something to someone who really did a favour for you ... as long as the reply is follow the 版規, not really need a 'thank you'

[ 本帖最後由 heiter89 於 2007-11-15 07:57 PM 編輯 ]
原帖由 nitz 於 2007-11-15 10:57 PM 發表
Re: [系統消息] 您發表的回復被執行管理操作來自:aababba 發送到:nitz時間:2007-11-15 06:32 PM內容:you are right, but remind one thing
10. 不得轉售此服務
閣下同意不得為了任何公共或商業目的複製、重製、拷貝 ...
when they want it.. they'll just download it. when u tell them to follow a rule, they give u another rule to shoot you.... if we broken one rule. that ppl broken 2 rulesssss.....

[ 本帖最後由 heiter89 於 2007-11-16 10:22 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 2helena 於 2007-11-19 12:47 PM 發表
totally agree, what you have posted is worth at least a "Thank You" and even more.

but as I said before, 都係果句, without asking for "posting reply", those who did reply with THANK YOU are the one d ...
I don't really expect "thank you' for a reply... one ppl said something like "I finished my lunch, now download.."(in chinese). It is a good reply, too....

me 都係果句.. we didn't made those rules.... we just try to make sure the rules were followed... and it is not easyyyy...

[ 本帖最後由 heiter89 於 2007-11-21 09:23 AM 編輯 ]
原帖由 fanny5656 於 2007-11-22 01:20 AM 發表

咁...大家都 ...
yes totally agreeeeee fanny !!
five more ban in one day..... I already put the rule in my post just above the links.... but there are still ppl doing it.... sad !!

[ 本帖最後由 heiter89 於 2007-11-27 10:23 AM 編輯 ]