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Yes, I would love to study in Japan.  In fact, I've actually planned to study Japanese in Tokyo a few years ago, but my company won't let me take a no pay leave to go.  Hence I ended up hiring a private tutor to teach me.

As much as I'd love to study in Japan, I don't plan to become a Japanese citizen.  I want improve my Japanese so that I can get a job which allows me to fly over to Japan from time to time to work.  That would be perfect!  

I actually have a friend who has gone to study her master degree in Nagoya and have successfully landed herself a full time job in Tokyo.  Having said that, she's not interested in  becoming a Japanese citizen at all, but she plan to stay there as long as possible.
Is your private tutor a Japanese or? Did she/he does a good job??
Haha, study abroad in Japan =/= be Japanese citizen
If you really love Japan, you MUST come and feel Japan by yourself
I think this  ...
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-6 08:57 AM
Yes, my private tutor is a Japanese male.  He used to taught Japanese in university.  When I met him, he was already semi-retired.  He did a good job in teaching me Japanese.

Oh, I've been to Japan several times, so I know how it's like to be there.  Like I said before, I'd love to get a job so that I can fly to Japan from time to time.  That way I can utilize my Japanese language skills.
You're so lucky. You must speak good Japanese.
Will you planning to study a short term course like a month in Japan? To improve your Japanese knowledge.
Btw, what kind of job are you doing now?
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-9 11:12 AM
I don't have any plans to study in Japan right now as I have my mom depending on me.  I can't really leave her behind right now.  And to answer your question, I'm in the IT field, so absolutely no need to use Japanese at work.  (T_T)
oic, then study in Japan is not that necessary in your case. IT field, i think it's not easy to get a job to let you fly to Japan often........
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-10 01:53 PM
Yeah, it's not necessary for me to study in Japan anymore.  It's more like an achievement rather than a necessity.  Besides, you really can't find anything in IT field which requires flying over to Japan, so I now fly myself over instead.  Hehehe.............
wow, my situation is exactly that of bokeh's:  a job in IT and filial duty to fullfil, except that I haven't yet travel to Japan even once and I haven't had a private tutor to teach me Japanese.
Basic ...
teafume 發表於 2012-7-11 04:51 PM
Well, my goal was to pass JLPT Level 1 at the time, so my best bet would be studying in Japan for 6 months before I take the test.  Since that couldn't be done, my 2nd choice was to find a private tutor.  It wasn't cheap at all to hire my own teacher, but unfortunately there was no school in my city which offered the education to prepare for the test, so I had to bite the bullet.
本帖最後由 bokeh 於 2012-7-16 11:12 AM 編輯
Which city are you living?
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-15 08:43 AM
I live in Toronto.  Unfortunately there is no Japanese school in here which can prep me for the test.  Lucky I've met sensei.
Travel by yourself is better that on business trip. You can go anywhere you want.
So, please enjoy your travel in Japan. Japan has too many beauty places to visit.
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-15 08:34 AM
Yes, I totally agree with you.  Travelling by myself is the best!  I really enjoy the freedom.  As a matter of fact, I'm planning my next trip right now!
But I'm curious that, what language is your sensei using when he teach you Japanese language??
Because I found that many students who had a private teacher before, their conversation skills in Japanese not really good.
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-18 03:46 PM
My sensei taught me in Japanese.  All of our conversations were also in pure Japanese.  Basically I told him what I wanted to learn and what I wanted to achieve and he walked me to my goal.  And believe me when I say there's no school in Toronto for me, there's really none.  In fact, it was the councillor in my uni who has suggested me to find a private tutor.  She said it's cheaper than taking one-on-one Japanese class in uni to prep me for the test.  Having one-on-one in uni is very expensive.  Basically I have to pay for the cost of hiring my own prof.  
Oh, that's good. Which city are you going to visit?? & when??
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-18 03:46 PM
Still in the planning stage.  Tokyo, Hakone (highly possible) and Nagoya.  Still considering between Hokkaido and Okinawa.  Got any recommendations for me?  BTW, I've already been to Aizu Wakamatsu, Nikko, Tokyo, Yokohama, Kamakura,
Mt Fuji, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Nara, Hiroshima and Kagoshima.
OIC, then that's great! Practice will make your Japanese better, better & better.
I wish you will pass the JLPT N1 soon.
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-22 09:05 AM
Lucky for me as  I've passed Level 1 before they've changed the syllabus to N1.  (^o^)v
I was too chicken for N1.  That was the reason for me to hire a private tutor.  Hehehe..........
Wow, you did visit many places of Japan.
Hakone is great. I have been there before. You can see Mt. Fuji very clearly if you go in winter. & hot spring there also very nice.
But seem you only visit ...
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-7-22 09:19 AM
Wow!  Nice pic!!  I want to go there.  Actually I'm thinking of visiting a friend in Nagoya, so Takayama is a very possible destination for me.  Since Shirakawagou is so close to Takayama, so I think it makes sense to go there as well!  Thanks for your tips and your awesome pic!

You are correct, I've been to mostly Nishi Nihon.  Having said that, I've also been to Aizu Wakamatsu and Nikko, so I've been to Eastern Nihon as well.  Aizu Wakamatsu is a REALLY nice place with friendly natives and awesome scenery!
Then Takayama is a good choice for you. I hope you can enjoy your trip ^^
blacker14tt 發表於 2012-8-16 06:31 PM
Thank you.  I have almost finished planning for my 14-days trip and I think I'm being a little too ambitious.  Here's my plan:

Week 1
Tokyo -> Nagano -> Matsumoto (might go and see the castle) -> Takayama -> Shirakawa-go -> Kanazawa -> Osaka (still undecided) -> Nagoya -> Tokyo

Week 2
Tokyo -> Hakone -> Tokyo

The reason why I pack everything in week 1 is because I plan to buy a 7-days Japan Rail Pass.  What do you think?