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我真需要一個C 我已經對bosh失望了
自從他從PF 轉去打C 後 就沒有那種殺進禁區的BOSH了
Bosh.. LBJ taking his status away
LBJ now is MJ and Magic Johnson 合體 !
LBJ status was more crazy , which he was CAV, which it was 1 man team..

see ya.. enjoy the weekend.
Tony Parker sprained his left ankle on Friday and could be out "a while," according to coach Gregg Popovich.
Parker 好好休息拉 失误多 接下就来靠Knight , Calderon ,Crawford
knight is same team DET with Calderon?
knight is same team DET with Calderon?
JackyNelson 發表於 2013-3-5 05:34 AM
三角交易...T.Prince(灰熊) - R.Gay(暴龍) - J.Calderon(活塞)
Parker can be dropped in my view...so as Bynum, and to some extreme Love...
Bynum is killing my season
maybe the last game of the season, ,then play 5 mins
Parker can be dropped in my view...so as Bynum, and to some extreme Love...
chemical 發表於 2013-3-6 01:47 AM
Parker will play for the last 10 games but he will rest occasionally.

Love said he will play the last 15-20 games but the Wolves are out of the playoff hope already. All Love can give you is a few more rebounds per game.

Bynum's season is over long time ago. Don't expect any meaningful stats even if he tries to play for his next contract.
我的Remaining都用的差不多了 等GAME OVER 好了
Parker就算最后10场出来打 我都没得玩了

Bynum 这个赛季是没有可能会出来打的
Bynum's career is ending up like Oden/Roy, luckily he has played much more than Oden

The most mysterious one is Rose's injury...if i owned Rose somehow at any stage of this season i would be super frustrated...