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本帖最後由 chemical 於 2012-10-15 11:30 AM 編輯

The latest and finialised settings can be seen at:

Updated changes are bold.

League ID#:****
League Name:****
Custom League URL:http://basketball.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/tvboxnow
Draft Type:Live Standard Draft
Draft Time:Sat Oct 27 10:00 pm Hong Kong Time
Max Teams:10
Live Draft Pick Time:1 Minute, 30 Seconds
Scoring Type:Rotisserie
Max Acquisitions for Entire Season:No maximum
Max Trades for Entire SeasonNo maximum
Trade Reject Time:2
Trade End Date:  No trade deadline  
Allow Draft Pick Trades:No
Waiver Time:2 days
Waiver Type:FAAB w/ Continual rolling list tiebreak
Waiver Mode:Standard
Can't Cut List Provider:Yahoo! Sports
Trade Review:League Votes
Post Draft Players:Free Agents
Max Games Played:82
Weekly Deadline:Daily - Tomorrow
Start Scoring on:Tuesday, Oct 30
Make League Publicly Viewable:No
Roster Positions:PG, SG, G, SF, PF, F, C, C, Util, Util, BN, BN
Players Stat Categories:Field Goal Percentage (FG%), Free Throw Percentage (FT%), 3-point Shots Made (3PTM), Points Scored (PTS), Total Rebounds (REB), Assists (AST), Steals (ST), Blocked Shots (BLK), Turnovers (TO)
本帖最後由 chemical 於 2012-10-15 10:57 AM 編輯

Changes explained:

- Draft time -> Sat 27 Oct 2200 HKT -> 7 out of 10 managers preferred this.
- Max team -> 10 -> no more joining!
- Trade deadline -> NO -> trade as many as you want throughout the season!
- Waiver -> FAAB w/ Continual rolling list tiebreak -> blind bid system + original rolling list on tiebreak -> each manager have same fixed amount of bidding money, interested managers place blind bid on a wavier player, highest bid will win and the bidding money will be deducted from total bidding money of the winning team. In the event of the same bidding amount among two or more bids (tie break), the system will follow continual rolling list, which means the earlier the team draft, the lower the position on the list. And a team will goto bottom of the list every time a team win the waiver addition.
- Post Draft Players -> Free agent -> Players in the wire are better than the ones you have just drafted? Grab him immediately when the draft ends.
- Roster Positions ->Ccut one bench position -> to make total number of players among teams 120 -> to maintain good dynamic in the wire.


  • JackyNelson

Of course doing live draft is way better than the ranking list. However, I was never able to do that....

That's why I have to make a long ranking list (~150-200 players, depends on no. of teams) an ...
rishadan 發表於 16/10/2012 12:34
Yeah, but only in the most ideal scenario. In most cases, a well prepared pre-ranking list will do better than a manager manually draft affected by with depth of preparation, peer pressure, time constraint etc...I believe a well prepared list is necessary in a live draft. It is easy to tell which available player is better in first few rounds, but it's getting more difficult as you go further...My deep respect to your long ranking list! I often ranked 1-100.
开季又少一个 Nowitzki
76人 Bynum 又未出
BeiDouChef 發表於 20/10/2012 18:49
Rose, Love, Nowitzki, Wall, Rubio, Frye...
decided long ago, JN...
Sat Oct 27 10:00 pm Hong Kong Time
Set your alarm(s) !!!
With just more than a day to go for live draft, I would strongly recommend getting your pre-ranking ready whether you can attend or not. First few picks are often easy but your pre-ranking list will be really useful after that.
If you cannot attend, the system will use your pre-ranking to do the draft and it will switch back to the Yahoo! default ranking once your pre-ranking list is empty.
I believe you can join anytime during the process of live draft.
About 1 hour and 10 mins to go!! getting excited!!
goto the league front page about 10mins before the draft time, there will be a draft room link...

neither shown in mine...
I don't know why, used to be a link like 30 or 15 mins before assigned time, now nothing shown up even few minutes before...
But please stay on the league homepage and here...let see what will happen...
if you click on your team name, there is a link "Enter Live Draft", but after you clicked, it showed "This league is not currently drafting. (Error #260)"