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No love , no love.
( _5 h. O0 |: Ftvb now,tvbnow,bttvbThink about it.
You should suggest Momoko to maintain this relationship not telling her separation.tvb now,tvbnow,bttvb. _" ?" j/ y# Z9 c
May be you are right about the man's sex drive. But if she don't love him. You think she will let him make love on her body?" n1 I; d$ K4 c, X+ m' J6 `
Sex and Love is between two people.
Good lucky." D. D) y" K. N' c8 v7 K# ?
Remember  Love is forever. Sex is only a very small part of it.
) ]: A( y1 h3 C% [www3.tvboxnow.comLove is mental, spiritual. You alway think about the other party even dreaming.
+ G/ N+ h8 n- i) L, G2 bSex is only 5 min. movement of two person.