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本帖最後由 brampton 於 2016-8-6 02:14 AM 編輯 www3.tvboxnow.com7 T! A5 ?6 j% L: M! _9 F

) {+ |7 H8 Z% P8 S) A! \www3.tvboxnow.comNice falls, very beautiful place.
, p2 c, y4 K8 N" a- tI have been there before but with a lot more falls water.
* d4 x. o$ C; n' X) n7 c+ M- F: {5 r, K& p& E( n) d' O) Z
(Southern Ontario drought  in 2016.)
2 e& `- Z- I  p% c! h公仔箱論壇& j( L4 a# _' m; F: x7 Z5 i
Thanks for sharing.