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[自彈音樂] Melissa Manchester - Looking through the eyes of love Cover By Channel Band x Guest

本帖最後由 pinaroo 於 2018-6-12 05:53 AM 編輯
, {; H2 G3 y0 Z0 C6 Mwww3.tvboxnow.com+ m$ m; u( F9 q( Y+ Y( Q' N# z
Melissa Manchester  Looking through the eyes of love
/ I/ }) p/ I% U5 C1 Pwww3.tvboxnow.com
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9 ~# w# }3 C( d2 B3 v3 f5 `* J' r5 N& J8 I4 K

  V$ a  O. q8 l9 I. o% jwww3.tvboxnow.comhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-th19Qp2iE
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2 x7 r/ \4 N: I8 E公仔箱論壇www3.tvboxnow.com$ }) P% k1 R. y# Q
Looking Through the Eyes of Love( q7 t8 T+ n% B3 i) _1 g

5 U$ a! e6 b6 i# U7 N+ [" K, h5 j5 K: s
Please, don't let this feeling end
2 b2 U3 P$ q7 ?- _tvb now,tvbnow,bttvbIt's everything I am
9 o7 D/ U9 [4 \' n: E# i, lwww3.tvboxnow.comEverything I want to be
" J- p3 q7 y1 F) E  YI can see what's mine nowtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb* q! \+ E, M! E5 j6 i& r
Finding out what's true公仔箱論壇& }- |+ Y. E: R5 Z* d, g7 a+ o
Since I found youtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ h; \: j# b# i, J6 m
Looking through the eyes of love
8 {7 s8 c; ], d2 w& W. RNow, I can take the timeTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。/ w2 b4 |6 Z7 I2 I/ p- m
I can see my life
( M" `* V5 Z- Q2 ~, k* K0 vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbAs it comes up shining now
# Z* j5 }' C' ?, C7 B8 _2 B公仔箱論壇Reaching out to touch you- x+ g$ ~7 Z, Q- t  V
I can feel so muchtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb9 l9 T" J  b9 ?* f- Y7 Q! Y
Since I found you
2 v6 v0 \4 _$ N$ rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvbLooking through the eyes of love公仔箱論壇% p6 b7 k% {" r$ ?
And now, I do believe
* V7 @. N1 A3 r2 q6 b7 L( G( b- sThat even in a storm we'll find some light9 d  z1 J( A8 ^# q
Knowing you're beside me, I'm all right
5 i1 N( v. w0 ?www3.tvboxnow.comPlease, don't let this feeling endwww3.tvboxnow.com) x6 d* v- i; k' t* K. Q( O9 N
It might not come again公仔箱論壇4 M6 R% r$ O$ D6 t: ~
And I want to remember
3 C& U" t6 T. `+ THow it feels to touch you
( H% C8 w% x% m. q1 VHow I feel so much
2 L/ m5 j, a- o7 o/ eSince I found you! A# I5 d3 Q2 V( q( e! L: g% `, X
Looking through the eyes of loveTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。/ K6 z) _# e  K8 Y& c9 T

  K* A' Q: d6 s# q- ]! p% ctvb now,tvbnow,bttvb
. i; e- V4 j3 e3 c
/ c9 u. p  C0 _# vwww3.tvboxnow.comwww3.tvboxnow.com9 V9 F2 h5 F- B7 d" B
公仔箱論壇4 ^; a0 v) X; J, `
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  • pinaroo

  • ~劍全~

Guest 唱得好好,充滿 powerful voice .
  \! t1 Q  u3 ^' j
% c) @, g2 _# @6 J6 P/ A1 Rtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb配合Channel Band 嘅伴奏聽得好舒服又投入.
2 n6 x- L! v: Y" {- d4 @, MTVBNOW 含有熱門話題,最新最快電視,軟體,遊戲,電影,動漫及日常生活及興趣交流等資訊。
* Y, u* _$ f! ^% p1 e, x+ Lwww3.tvboxnow.com期待你們下個作品!!
  我永遠嘅好拍擋好老友-- rickyeva ,BBQBBC19