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原帖由 小丁仔 於 2009-1-7 07:25 AM 發表
p.s. 小丁仔.....sorry 攪錯左
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
J- joline
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
M- moris
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
O- obama
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
W- wow
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment
Y- yoyo
Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mistery. It's all what you do in the moment