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but are u a model
why u guys have to be so mean ne? but he is pretti skinny tho
原帖由 奇少 於 2007-2-27 10:11 PM 發表。 
& y/ p9 f6 T/ t0 s& [* vtvb now,tvbnow,bttvb/ w* V  J* ?& P6 ~: X2 S# ]
www3.tvboxnow.com. {# i% @8 P9 j$ u
I am part time for hair and make up model.
: m6 q% G8 k/ \. w  E
/ w0 q( `1 N5 j6 ^

  q# z6 p: n! T$ Q% S0 E, P3 L公仔箱論壇cool . i wanna be a model since i was a lilttle kid. or a actress or.. singer. lol~~ but i cant control myself.. i kept eating and eating~~