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so upset for you sharing house with such a boy...
suggest him do something seriously .
我都識好多E D人  ,,唉
If you don't like him that much, why are you still rooming with him?
everyone have their choice to choose their own life
I want to know, do you like this boy or are you in love with this boy? or are you jealous?
cause most oversea kids  ( with $$$) are similar.
人地條命生得好 ......
Are u attracted by the boy?
Are you envious, jealous or attracted to him?
"咁即係佢人生中有兩年係hea咗啦. (聽人講佢係為咗追個追唔到既女仔) " -- i used to have a rm & we were happy to share everything we have that time...  i think this just a separated incident and u should keep your mind set going till u grad--support you--cheer up ~~~